Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Bamma G & Bamma J and Great Bammas!!

"Squirrel! Gotta go!"

Well, at least he was sitting down like I asked...but still obsessing over those squirrels in the yard.

  Bribing him with chocolate for a smile.

And then there were a lot of sugar high pictures..

We love you!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The holiday season didn't start out friendly between our clearance version "Elf on the Shelf" and N. They wanted absolutely nothing to do with each other.

 But after N offered the Elf some food as a peace treaty (a camera lens cookie?)
They were able to become friends.

We may have to keep him around all year long!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Construction Birthday!

We had a construction themed party for N's 2nd birthday! I had many great ideas, but often my ideas don't transfer well for me in real life.  Below are my Rice Krispies "construction cones."  None were eaten. Most likely because people were terrified of what they were suppose to be.

Here's the start of N's birthday cake...

But thanks to a little help from Mama J we turned that disaster into this!
The cones on the other hand continued on to look miserable..

Here's Mr. N with his birthday cake!

My mom found this fabulous photo cut-out!

 Kids table..where NO ONES food is safe.

Finally, cake time!!

Pretty sure H had a beer in his hand throughout the whole party..

N's friend feeding him his cake!

At some point there was confusion over whose fork this was.

Neither were letting up and it was getting pretty heated.

Things started to get wild after the massive sugar intake.


N has a phobia of little people. 
 "HURRY mom and get the pic!"
 "Dont hurt me."

N getting a drink served to him. (All his friends were so accommodating by feeding him and getting him drinks throughout the party).  Meanwhile, there is a staredown going on with the other two on the couch.

N experiencing his baby phobia again with baby J

The other two started checking out baby J to see what's so scary about him.

N still getting served..

Reading some of his new books..

His all time favorite book, Little Blue Truck!


New scarves!

So many new toys!

The next day was N's REAL birthday and my parents took us out for breakfast to celebrate (H has a birthday hangover).

 "Is this supposed to be my cake?  What a rip."