Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wedding in Minneapolis

Happy Tuesday! Sorry to my 3 followers as I've not had a blog post since last Wednesday.  I'm sure you are losing sleep over it.  It was a busy weekend with Nolan's first long trip to Minneapolis.  He was a perfect angel sleeping basically the whole way there and back.  I (who am usually a huge complainer on car rides) was actually pretty good too as I had the HUNGER GAMES books to keep me entertained (if you have not yet read this book I highly recommend it!!)

Here are a couple of pics to summarize our weekend..
Nolan meets someone his size..Airykah Swenson's dog "Lovey" and we also realize Nolan is still too small to be put in a one of those seats..

Nolan gets snuggles with his God-mama Kirsten..and was really embarrassed about me taking a pic of it.

Lovey had a near death experience with Airykah's ass while Airykah and Katie giggle at Nolan.  This is one of the many reasons why dogs hate babies....
Nolan meets Va-Jenna (previously a baby hater) and I was stunned at what a natural she is!!  Nolan even let a big poop while she was holding him and she only flipped out a little! She even watched him by herself while I went to the bathroom! She's totally having one someday..
Nolan laughs at Grandma Miriam at the church before the wedding..
Katie and Tj get hitched..
Nolan passes out after the wedding (BEFORE the reception..which is opposite of how his mom and dad roll)
Airykah then takes full advantage of him passing out and turns him into a nerd (yes just like we used to do to the passed out drunks in college)
My husband arrives at the reception from the wedding party bus and is completely tanked..
There was a life size picture of their dog Tipper at the reception.....

Hans and I are seated by three little brothers (the ushers) at the head table of the wedding and Hans' falls completely in love with them and name them our "Minions"
Hans and his "Minions" up to no good..

Unfortunately this is where my camera ends as I took it up with me to our hotel room to check on Nolan with his Grandma G.. 
Oh! we did get a picture with two of our Minions though from the professional photographer they had there!
All in all a verysuccessful trip!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The start to many weird illnesses..

So happy Wednesday part 2! (It seems weird to have a blog with only 2 posts so I may do 4 today..you better read them all!)

Here's a little of my health background and what Nolan has to look forward too..

I've had a lot of strange phobias and illnesses throughout my life.  None of them serious, all of them extremely embarrassing.  A lot of them were imaginary stemming from my mom who put them in my head.  For instance once I had a spot on my tongue..after googling and concluding I had mouth cancer I went to the doctor. It turns out I was allergic to my toothpaste.  After not brushing my teeth for 2 weeks it completely healed! ;)  Another time at bible camp my forehead swelled up with a lump the size of Afghanistan.  While I did not have access to google I just got all the other campers opinions on how I probably had less than a week to live or how the lump was going to explode and my brains would come flying out.  My mom came to pick me up to take me to the doctor and her diagnoses were about the same as the campers.   I was a goner.  Turns out some benadryl and a half an hour later I was allergic to a bug bite.  Now I could really go on for blog posts about my strange illnesses but I instead would like to keep some dignity.  Maybe if you are my really good friend and have not yet heard about my IBS (and no it does NOT stand for  irritable bowel syndrome) then give me a few margaritas and I will share that story and MISdiagnosis with you!

Now Hans isn't so lucky either.  The kid has had pink eye more times than I can count (he claims it is his bodies way of getting sick or from dust in the air--WE ALL KNOW it is actually from getting poop in your eyes..google it!)  Anyway he has also been lactose since a baby.  Which is where Nolan comes in.  Poor Nolan inherited his milk allergy from his Pink-eyed daddy!  My breast milk is like poison to him! (yeah it makes me feel really good about myself)  Even after we were both put on pills and I cut out dairy from my diet he still could not drink my milk.  Not a problem, Hans gets a year supply of free formula through his work Nestle. But wait, Nolan can only drink one special kind that isn't made by Nestle and is $26 a pop!  Which brings me to the conclusion that A . Nestle sucks! and B. Nolan has his first weird illness/allergy of many.  Poor baby.

Baby Genius

Happy Wednesday!!

Here's a little story for you..

Two weeks ago when Nolan was only a month and a half old he ROLLED OVER!  Now while I'd like to claim he is just super ahead for his age..the truth is that he was just annoyed with me.  I don't see how anyone can ever be annoyed with me...besides maybe the fact that I talk to much, can be slightly bossy, get overly excited, and my husband would probably say I can be slightly dramatic (if you want to see dramatic watch Jerseylicious, Real Housewives of Orange County, or the Bachelor...all my favorite TV shows..I will admit I've picked up a dramatic line or two from watching them).  Anyways back to Nolan rolling over.  So sometimes it's hard to entertain a one month old..so that's where the musical stuffed giraffe on his stomach came in handy...

He started doing his sqwacking (which according to spell check is not a word!! What?! I always say sqwack! Mom --Am I just spelling that wrong?) of unhappiness so I was just going to take a picture and remove the giraffe when....
He swatted the giraffe to get it off him  (dramatically) and....
he rolled over!! Now if I wasn't lucky enough to capture it on camera I wouldn't have believed it either.. but there you go! Dramatic Baby Genius!!  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My first blog post!

So I've decided to start  blog because A. I had a baby and feel the need to tell the world about every burp, fart, cough, smile, noise he makes and  B.  I decided I didn't ever want to be the girl on Facebook who uploads her status to "My baby just went number 2 in the potty!!!" (I've even had a friend who uploaded a picture of the turd in the toilet--can you say defriended) And JUST in case I ever turn into that person I would rather do it on my blog where people aren't forced to read about it. C. I'm up in the wee hours of the night and don't have many friends to play "Words with Friends" with that late! (Props to Amber)  If you don't know what "Word with Friends" is then you really don't get out much. (Sorry mom-I'm guessing you are the only one that falls into that category as I taught dad last weekend!)

So anywhoo today is Sunday.  Hans has a cold so this has prevented him all weekend from helping me change diapers, feed, hold, and anything else to do with Nolan as he's afraid Nolan will catch his cold.  I understand how Nolan could catch the cold if Hans was snuggling him or kissing him but not sure why the cold prevents Hans from changing poop diapers... I'm pretty sure both Nolan and I already have the same exact cold as Hans anyway.  It's just the "woman" and "baby" version of the cold which as you all know is a lot less dramatic than a "man" cold.

Nolan just turned 2 months last Thursday and has just started REAL smiling.  He had been gassy smiling since the day he came out of me which was pretty entertaining but his REAL smiling is pretty fabulous to experience.  Last night when I got up for Nolan's 2 am feeding I picked up his crying shaking little body and put him on the changing table.  As I was changing him he started smiling at me.  As I was half sleeping and didn't think he was old enough to be smiling yet I kind of glared back at him thinking it was gas and there was more coming and continued changing his diaper.  But to my surprise when I was done changing him the little booger was smiling again...I happily freaked out and started giggling which in turn caused him to smile more and also unfortunately made him awake for the rest of the night/morning.  I know most parents complain about getting no sleep, as do I, but secretly I love it. I'm now used to getting up every 2 to 3 hours and when he sleeps longer I start to miss him... and then start to worry something is wrong with him.. that in turn leads me going into his room to check (shake him a tad) to see if he's breathing... which scares the crap out of him and  in turn wakes him up.  Nolan calls! (without me having to do any shaking)

signing off, jg