Friday, May 31, 2013

N's first 10K marathon

This morning started out great.  I even had some motivation to go to the gym!  But after N & I got all ready, which took roughly forever, I couldn't find the keys to the car.  Turns out my husband had managed to take all 4 sets of car keys with him to work.  They were in his jacket pockets,  his pants pockets, and who knows where else on his body they were.  I mean how can you even accidentally have 4 car keys with you at one time? 

So N and I decided to just go on a walk.  On the walk I remembered it was  Garage sale FRIDAY. Not long after seeing the first sign I noticed my pace was now up to a fast jog...I get so excited for these stupid sales.  I didn't bring any money with me but figured I probably wouldn't find anything anyway.

After another MILE we finally arrived at our destination..HEAVEN.  Thomas the train, booster seat, puzzles, semis, bikes, race car tracks, etc, etc, etc.  N saw a school bus toy and started screaming "DOO DA!" I took a deep breath, put the brakes on Nolan's stroller,  and tried to control my own excitement.  I went up and told the lady I didn't have cash but only live down the street (small lie).  She kindly responded what I took as "yes" in a different language.

After I had filled up a box and they had put it aside for me, N and I went home to get our money. (I couldn't wait for my husband to get home with the FOUR sets of keys because the garage sale would be closed by then).

N & I finally got home, had snacks, and were off again.  Only three more miles to go. When we finally got back to the sale there were 100 more things I wanted, but I calmly told myself it was not possible for me to carry everything and I needed to remove myself from the garage sale.  The ladies somehow managed to help me fit everything in or on top of my stroller (Speaking a different language to each other the whole time- I assume talking about me being nuts).

 N was still happy which really helped.  But I did notice we lost a shoe.

I didn't think the trip home would be that bad, despite the fact I really couldn't see anything in front of me. Then the things on top of the stroller started falling with every bump I hit.  And his annoying Thomas the trains packed underneath the stroller were constantly singing songs. In the last 1 1/2 miles home I quietly verbally assaulted my husbands name, left him a nasty voicemail that I'm not proud of and will probably get yelled at for when he gets home tonight, and sulked to myself.  When we ran into N's  lost shoe on the way home my mood became a little better again.

 Did I walk 6 miles today? yes!  Did I get lots of fabulous purchases for N for only $18? yes! Did I buy a used potty training seat? yes!  Is that probably really disgusting? yes! Did I get a $5 discount on my purchases because the foreign ladies couldn't do math? yes!  Did I lose 5 lbs from all that walking? yes! Did I eat 5 lbs of ice cream when I got home? yes! Am I going to have a drink tonight? yes!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Thursday!

"Maybe if I don't make eye contact with her she won't notice me reaching across and grabbing her water.."

"Am I really getting away with this?"

And now a little photo shoot..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1 1/2 year old!

N had his 18 month appointment today.  For some reason he enjoys going to the doctor. My husband wasn't able to attend so I had to document it for him.

Here he is on the phone, chatting LOUDLY in the waiting room, pacing around like he was on the most important call.

Whoever he was on the phone with (I think his dad) he got in a pretty heated argument with.  (Must have learned that from someone other than his perfect parents).

He then kept checking the play kitchen's microwave. He couldn't accept that there was no food in there.

"There's got to be food in here somewhere!!!  My mom is always pulling food out of here!"

And then there was the appointment...Where he was showing off for the doctor and slammed his head into the doctors table.  The doctor said he was fine and the table was padded but pretty sure the red mark speaks for itself.

"Really Doctor?  I don't look like I hit my head hard?"  

Despite his concussion, shot, and getting told he was slightly obese it was a good appointment!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Impromptu Birthday Party!

We threw baby J a little impromptu birthday at our house last week!  (Since we won't see her on her actual bday next week).

 Immediately N spotted her birthday cupcakes..

N: "Don't mind me I'm just going to let myself down..."

N: "...and make my way over to these cupcakes.."

(All we wanted was one picture of them smiling..but N could not take his eyes off those cupcakes..and Baby J was in her own little world).

N: "It may be your birthday, but I'm about to DEVOUR all of those!"
J: "I'm not surprised you can't control yourself..."

J: " of JUST me!! Yay! Cheese!"

"Everyone always goes wild for my hand behind my head pose.."

Then we had the brilliant idea of trying to get the four of us in a picture.  N immediately tried taking my hat off.  Everyone knows the pain of the rubber band snap from a cheap birthday hat..

Kt thought it was great that I got snapped so hard..

CHARMA....because turns out her hat was next..

Baby J was terrified as she was the only one left with a we stopped the photoshoot.

Happy early birthday Baby J!!

Friday, May 24, 2013


Someone needs to tell my husband there's an age & weight limit for this teeter-totter before my baby flies out the roof..

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fun with Baby B!

Baby B and N got to hang out again finally!  At first N was too busy playing with his cars to realize Baby B was even there...

N :"Oh, when did you get here?"

Baby B getting a closer look at N's truck..

Baby B overboard...because of N's somewhat innocent face I''ve deemed this fall accidental.

Baby B back on the couch...nothing gets him down!


So much fun together! 


Instead of all the girly kissing, Grandpa J & N' s special thing to do is to "softly" headbutt each other.  It's a very risky  move to perform with N  as often he gets confused with the definition of "soft" and instead "martial arts" headbutts Grandpa (as you see below).

Friday, May 17, 2013

Water Table

We bought N a water table last week and he absolutely loves it.  

He can't play with it for more than 30 seconds at a time though since he is constantly seeing people go by and has to wave to  EVERY neighbor and car..

And if they don't wave back he runs after them...

 "HEY you didn't wave back to me!!!"