Monday, February 25, 2013

The best baby sled!

N got the below sled for Christmas from his Great Grandma.  *Please note the baby has on a helmet and goggles and possibly a small neck brace (what kind of baby sled is this?!)

We've barely had any snow this winter so when it snowed last week we blew that sled up!  Here's N taking some practice runs on dry land.

First time getting into his snow pants..

Starting to get a little nervous...(whenever I'm excited this seems to make him nervous).

Waiting oh so patiently for me to let him outside.

Giggling (and snorting) like crazy!

This sled rocked! (he only FLEW over to our neighbors house once..) Thanks Hans' grandma!


  1. Sweet sled!! Can Jada fit?! I could see him either pushing her off or holding onto her tightly since he is her protector!

  2. They could definitely both fit on there! We know how good he is at sharing his spaces with her though. As he smashed her when we tried to make him share his car with her. :)
